Yeah, I finally change the currently reading book to John Scalzi‘s Fuzzy Nation!! I could actually add two more books to the sidebar because I am also reading Karin Slaughter’s new release Cop Town, which is he first stand alone novel, along with Robert D. Kaplan‘s The Revenge of Geography. The later of course is my current nonfiction read! Now with all that on my plate ,you’d think I’d be satisfied, right! Wrong!
I went to the library to pick up a book that I hold at the library a while ago. I thought that I was still far enough back in the line that I’ d have a little more time to finish finish Cop Town before it would be availabe for me, but I was wrong! So now I have two weeks to read James Rollins latest The 6th Extinction!! But wait folks, that’s not all! While I was there, rather than just walk in and get my hold and walk out, I had to check the new books shelves. Did I find anything among those new books, of course I did! I found Linwood Barclay‘s latest release No Safe Home. At least they are both 4 week books unlike some new books that are only two week loaners. So here’s the plan Cop Town is due on the 5th of Sept so I still have a couple of weeks before that one’s due so I’ll stay with that one and also start Linwood Barclay’s book because his books usually go pretty fast!! At least I own Fuzzy Nation and The Revenge of Geography, so I can take my time with those two!!
Wish me luck!!